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Fighjate: Filmati di drone mostra l’onda di migranti chì si avvicinanu à a fruntiera di u Texas

Fighjate: Filmati di drone mostra l'onda di migranti chì si avvicinanu à a fruntiera di u Texas

Un squadra di droni di Fox News hà catturatu filmati di una caravana d'immigranti illegali chì si move versu a fruntiera di u Texas; Solu una di parechje caravane chì sò state avvistate in l'ultime settimane mentre i non-citadini inundanu e strade di e cità santuarii cuntrullate da i Democratici cum'è El Paso in attesa di a fine di u Titulu 42.

The Biden Administration has made clear that they will be moving national guard personnel to the region, not to stop illegal crossings, but to process migrants more quickly so that they can be relocated within the US. In response, governor Greg Abbott says he will deploy a new Texas Tactical Border Force to repel the invasion.

It should be noted that Democrats have been increasingly hostile to any operations by border states to stem the flow of illegal immigrants into the country, while at the same time claiming that they don't want open borders.

With the coming expiration of Title 42, there is no longer any legal recourse for federal border patrol agents to send migrants back to Mexico. They must now process those migrants under asylum rules and allow most of them to stay within the US to await court decision; this can often take many months or even years.

Tyler Durden Lun, 05/08/2023 – 21:20

Questa hè una traduzzione automatica da l’inglese di un post publicatu nantu à ZeroHedge à l’URL https://www.zerohedge.com/political/watch-drone-footage-shows-wave-migrants-approaching-texas-border u Tue, 09 May 2023 01:20:00 +0000.